Disaster / Severe Weather Warnings

Disaster / Severe Weather Warnings

We at Sunrise take safety very seriously and have procedures in the event severe weather warnings are issued or other natural disasters occur. Please review the procedure information on this page.
Procedures for Severe Weather Warnings
Before School
School will be closed when a severe weather warning is issued (examples include severe winds, heavy rain, heavy snow, flooding, blizzards) Depending on the circumstances, it may not be possible for us to contact parents/guardians directly. If you are not contacted, please check information on the TV, radio, or internet and please take precautions.
After School
In the event of a severe weather warning issued after school, we ask that you come pick up your kids as quickly as possible.
We will make every effort to post on our website and notify parents or emergency contacts as quickly as possible,
but in such cases please also check other sources (e.g. TV, radio, internet) and judge appropriately.
*If your workplace or emergency contact info ever changes, please notify us as soon as possible.
Before School
For warnings issued before 7:00am, please remain at home until further notice. We will post on our website and contact you via e-mail or with the emergency contact number.
After School
In the event of a warning issued after school, we ask that you come pick up your kids as quickly as possible.
As with severe weather, we will make every effort to post on our website and notify parents or emergency contacts.
In such cases, please check other sources (e.g. TV, radio, internet) and judge appropriately.
*If your workplace or emergency contact info ever changes, please notify us as soon as possible.